Rural Youth Perceptions of Works in The Agricultural Sector (Case Study in Bajang Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency)
Perception, Youth, Agriculture, Bajang Village
Bajang Village is a rural area where the majority of the translation are farmers. But, farmers in Bajang Village are dominated by farmers who in old age. This resulted in a lack of youth contribution to agriculture. This purpose of study are (1) to know the perception of Bajang Village youth about agricultural work (2) to know what factors have a relationship with the perception of Bajang Village youth regarding work in the agricultural sector. In this study, 40 respondents were used who were taken by accidental sampling. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and dissemination of questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test. The results of the study showed that the perception of rural youth towards work in agriculture was in the good category. Factors related to youth's perception of employment in the agricultural sector include current employment, work experience and parental income. Meanwhile, the factors that have nothing to do with the perception of rural youth towards employment in the agricultural sector are gender, age, education and socialization.
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Makabori, Y. Y., & Tapi, T. (2019). Generasi Muda dan Pekerjaan di Sektor Pertanian: Faktor Persepsi dan Minat (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Manokwari) Young Generation And Jobs In The Agricultural Sector: Perception And Interest Factors (Case Study Of The Agricult. Jurnal Triton, 10(2), 2085–3823.
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Pinem, A. M., Nurmayasari, I., & Yanfika, H. (2020). Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Persepsi Pemuda Pada Pekerjaan Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Factors Related to Youth Perceptions of Agricultural Sector Work in Central Lampung Regency. Journal of Extension and Development ISSN, 02(01), 54–61.
Suseno, M. A., Tain, A., & Windiana, L. (2021). Persepsi Pemuda Terhadap Pekerjaan Usaha Pertanian Kopi Di Desa Amadanom Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang. Cemara, 18(2), 6–17.
Tampi, M. F., Kaunang, R., & Lolowang, T. F. (2021). Persepsi dan Minat Pemuda Terhadap Pekerjaan Sebagai Petani di Desa Wuwuk Kecamatan Tareran Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Agri-Sosio Ekonomi Unsratr, 17(3), 943–948.
Tana, Y. J., Tamba, I. M., & Sukerta, I. M. (2020). Persepsi Pemuda Terhadap Pekerjaan di Sektor Pertanian (Studi Kasus Desa Timpag, Kerambitan, Tabanan). AGRIMETA, 10(20), 24–29.
Wulandari, H., Oktavia, M., & Heldayani, E. (2020). Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Program Revitalisasi Sungai Sekanak di Kota Palembang. In Jurnal Swarnabhumi (Vol. 5, Issue 2).,_Pakong,_Pamekasan
How to Cite
Zuhriyah, A., & Mabruhatin, A. (2024). Rural Youth Perceptions of Works in The Agricultural Sector (Case Study in Bajang Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency). AGRIMOR, 9(2), 101-111.
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