Utilization and Economic Value of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Kulawi Forest Management Unit Working Area (Case Study of Walatana Village, South Dolo District)

  • Silma Angriyani Tadulako University
  • Syukur Umar Universitas Tadulako
  • Hendra Pribadi Universitas Tadulako
  • Arman Maiwa Universitas Tadulako
Keywords: Utilization, Non-Timber Forest Products, Economic Value


Effective and sustainable management of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) plays an important role in supporting the local economy, reducing pressure on primary forests, and maintaining biodiversity. This research aims to determine the use of NTFPs and the economic value of NTFPs in Walatana Village, South Dolo District. The research was carried out by applying survey methods to respondents and observations, using an analytical approach to the use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) resources. Respondents are residents of Walatanana Village who have interactions with forest resources. The general problem faced in this research is the lack of understanding and awareness of the community regarding the potential of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Walatana Village, South Dolo District. The research results show that the people of Walatana Village have utilized various types of NTFPs, including rattan, candlenuts, bamboo, honey and firewood. With the economic value of NTFPs reaching Rp. 515,484,000,- per year, of which rattan contributes Rp. 220,200,000,-, this research highlights the great potential of NTFPs in supporting the local economy. These findings emphasize the importance of involving the community in efforts to sustainably manage NTFPs, while increasing their understanding of the economic potential that can be generated. This research indicates the need for an educational and participatory approach to increase public awareness of the importance of NTFPs in the context of sustainability. This effort is expected to create a balance between the use of NTFPs as a source of income and maintaining the sustainability of forest ecosystems.


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How to Cite
Angriyani, S., Umar, S., Pribadi, H., & Maiwa, A. (2024). Utilization and Economic Value of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Kulawi Forest Management Unit Working Area (Case Study of Walatana Village, South Dolo District). Savana Cendana, 9(1), 28-35. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32938/sc.v9i1.2448
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